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Military and Family Life Counseling

Confidential support on installations worldwide

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Use this online directory to find contact information for MFLCs assigned to your installation, unit, child’s school and other locations.

The Military and Family Life Counseling Program provides free, confidential counseling to service members, their families and survivors on or near installations. Trained to work with the military community, military and family life counselors deliver valuable counseling services, briefings and presentations to the military community.

How this benefit helps

Counselors help service members and their families navigate issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss. Adult and child and youth behavioral MFLCs are assigned to units, schools, child development centers and other locations worldwide.

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Adult military and family life counselors

Adult MFLCs provide confidential counseling to service members, spouses, military couples and non-remarried surviving spouses. They can help with deployment adjustments, stress management, issues related to PCS, relationships, problems at work, grieving and more. Counselors are located at installation Military and Family Support Centers or are embedded with military units to offer flexible support.

Counseling is also one-on-one, for couples or in group settings.

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Child and youth behavioral military and family life counselors

CYB MFLCs support families. They also augment child and youth programs, Department of Defense Education Activity schools, local education agencies, camps designed for military children and youth, and special operations commands. CYB MFLCs provide support on a variety of topics affecting young people, including anger and aggression, bullying, conflict resolution, divorce, feelings, self-esteem, separation, sibling and parental relationships, time management and more. They are located at Military and Family Support Centers, child development centers, DODEA schools, youth centers and military treatment facility pediatric clinics.

Children under 18 must have written parental consent to receive CYB-MFLC support.


You don’t have to worry that seeking help will impact your service member’s career. Services offered through the Military and Family Life Counseling Program are confidential, not reported to the command, and do not impact a service member’s security clearance.

Exceptions to privacy include duty to warn, suspected family maltreatment (domestic violence, child abuse or neglect), harm to self or others, and illegal activity.

Briefings and presentations

In addition to being available by appointment for individual or couple counseling, military and family life counselors help in other ways. The program is an important tool for leaders, who may request a unit briefing and grief counseling for its members if the unit experiences a loss or other difficult event. Leaders may also call upon the MFLC program for briefings and presentations on topics including:

  • Anger management
  • Assertiveness training
  • Deployment survival
  • Grief and loss
  • Building healthy marriages
  • Reintegration
  • Stress management

How to access military and family life counseling

Use the Military and Family Life Counselor Locator to find contact information for your nearest MFLC.

You can also connect with your installation’s Military and Family Support Center to get started.

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